Throughout my consulting career I've heard the plaintive lament, "She just won't change," and "He's hopeless, there's no way to persuade him." This applies to adults at work and children at home, to both genders, to all ages. Usually, the problem
My heavy-duty, Fortune 500 career occupied about 25 years of my life (before I transitioned to entrepreneurs and professional services providers). I worked with the best of the best in many cases, and learned more than any formal education could
I find that in organizations, and individually, people do what's easy instead of what's necessary. They spend more time on computer backups, software, and gizmos than they do on trying to meet buyers. People obsess with smart phone videos and
For Your Own Ducking Good
Our ducks line up (or sleep) on the driveway, and everyone from our guests to UPS has to stop or carefully drive around them. Our pool guys get out of their truck and chase them. All of this reinforces the
Flight Speed
This morning a very popular and professional local radio host commented that there was an article, he was told, in the New England Journal of Medicine, pointing out that masks were not an effective preventive for the coronavirus. Before posting this
Some counterintuitive advice: The people who most need consulting and coaching and advising right now are strong people, successful people. Why? Because they are willing to lead boldly on past these crises and help everyone to succeed. They have the
Time and Money
I think it's time to remind everyone that money and time are priorities, not resources. In other words, "I don't have the budget" or "This isn't a good time" are specious excuses. There IS time and there IS money, but
Nice to Meet You in Person
We've learned a great deal about the efficacy of virtual meetings and delivery. These are important additions to our capabilities. But don't think these replace meeting with ideal buyers in peer-level relationships. If you want to truly display your expertise and
Even people who purport to be sophisticated sales professionals or "experts" resort to using "pitch" to describe approaching a prospect. The dreaded—and fictitious—"elevator pitch" is supposed to represent how to influence someone between floors. To me, that's a good technique
Social Media Anachronisms
Someone on Linkedin is advertising an "authentic elevator pitch." Isn't this the planet Earth in 2020?