Six Inches of Social Distancing
These crowds we see on the news defying requirements for safety at the beaches and parks surely aren't surprising. There is a pent-up need to be "normally social" once again. As your clients' employees return to their offices, is there a
The Power of Conversation
Stop making presentations to people and start holding conversations. Focus on results and outcomes. Assume you're having a drink or a meal with a friend. Would you whip out a PowerPoint exhibit? Conversation leads to conversion.
The Death of Classic Strategy
Peter Drucker has always been a hero of my heroes, the virtual "inventor" of strategy. But that approach, of older men, taking their time, analyzing data, planning for five or even ten years ahead in a predictable, mostly domestic economy,
Reopening Challenges
The inertia has now swung toward "opening up." It's a time to be thankful and gracious. Don't expect the old service levels immediately, and expect some people to be difficult and ornery—because they're scared. Help your clients understand these dynamics and
A Little Advice
People are asking me the same question over and over, so I've become pretty adept at the answer. Best practices as the economy reopens: Call everyone of consequence (buyers, recommenders, prospects) until you reach them on the phone. Offer help.
The High Speed Lane
Since I've offered a special coaching program for people during the pandemic, and combining this with the ongoing coaching I've been doing, I can report to you these empirical facts: People who call clients, recommenders, and prospects regularly (daily, at
There’s A Rule of Law and A Law of Rules
Like so many bureaucratic rules, the ones governing the opening up of the economy are often arbitrary. And, as with many arbitrary rules, people feel freer to ignore or violate them. The same applies with clients. What kinds of rules do
Priorities and Wealth in the “New World”
I'm broadcasting livestream on May 21 about setting priorities and organizing ourselves for the "new world." If you don't believe it's "new," here are some of the topics I'll be exploring in terms of opportunity: "Hybrid" organizations are arising, that
Want to Buy A Used Crystal Ball?
I've been advocating for a long time shorter strategy formulation sessions, quicker implementation of the plans, and more frequent adjustments. Strategy is not holy writ, it's simply the best thinking at the moment. Well, we've seen how radically that moment can
The Hybrid Organization
There will inevitably be new, “hybrid” offices evolving. There will be (in US terms) W2 (full time) employees, 1099 (part time) employees, people working from home full time, people working in an office full time, people alternating between both locations,