Come On, Man: Maybe Something Will Fall Into Your Mouth
These people who make trumpeting sounds when they yawn in public, are they under the hallucination that they're at home, or do they honestly believe that you broadcast yawns at high volume to everyone within earshot?
Come on Man: You’re Booked? Solidly? Condolences.
As you become more successful, you should have more free time. After all, real wealth is discretionary time. I'm talking to people who tell me they can't make an event in 2022 or even early 2023 because they're "booked." The first thing
Come On, Man—Can You Get It Done Or Not?
When you begin a sentence with "I probably can't do this" you're going to be right almost all the time. Choices: Learn how to do it. If you can't, then Get help in order to do it. If that doesn't
Come On, Man: We’re All Trying
A woman I coach said that she was preparing to visit clients and present again by wearing high heels around the house to make sure she still could. I practiced using markers on easels again. Similar degrees of difficulty, right?
Come On, Man! The Climate Change Hotel Conspiracy
I once had my own conspiracy theory. I believed that, no matter what temperature you set on the hotel room thermostat, it didn't have an impact. Then one day when the thermostat was broken—unlighted—the engineer fixed it and I told him
Come On, Man: The Return of the Wandering Buyers
If you believe the ridiculous canard that no buyers are around for sales potential over the summer (here in the Northern Hemisphere) then I guess you're really gearing up to be aggressive again in the next month, right? And certainly
Come on, Man: Physician, Heal the Shysters
If you can "increase any business by a million dollars" or "help find a thousand new, qualified prospects" or "meet qualified buyers and convert them immediately" (or "flip houses without investing a cent") would you really have to promote yourself
Come On, Man: They Don’t Want to Work for YOU
I find it more than ironic that employers are complaining (and the media exploiting) the belief that "people don't want to come back to work," or "everyone is looking for a new career." Consequently, they have to reduce services and
Come on, Man: Who’s In Charge Here?
"We have a bipartisan infrastructure deal!" "Well, that is if you agree to my other legislation." "Wait, I didn't mean that the way it sounded. The above is from a college educated, lifelong, successful, professional politician. "Why can't we all just get along?" The above
What Great Service on My Airline! (Come on, man!)
Years ago I was sitting in first class on Delta. There were 20 seats. I found it odd that three flight attendants were up there, and that a guy across the aisle was getting so much attention. I asked one