Maintaining Your Sanity
It's easy to lose perspective when you're a solo practitioner, especially if you've listened to some poor advice along the way. Here are some suggestions for gaining and preserving perspective, and not losing your mind. • Don't mindlessly send out mass
He Said, She Said
I find too many consultants involved in the equivalent of schoolyard gossip. They tell me that the buyer is deficient (the person who hired them!) because people are complaining. Or they tell me that there is a total breakdown in
How Did YOU Get Here?
A new boy in the neighborhood, five years old, met another new boy. "How did you get here?" asked the first. The second explained that his parents told him it was an act of love and intimacy which he could not yet
The Healthy Professional
Think about five building blocks to personal and professional health: 1. Continuous skill building, always adding to your repertoire. 2. Continual behavioral improvement, honing more effective interactions. 3. A philosophy (beliefs) of life, creating and pursuing your goals and values. 4. High self-worth, believing
Produce, Not Provide
I've heard a great many consultants talking about what they provide. "Provide" means to supply or equip or present. Those are all on the input side, deliverables, tasks, commodities, unexciting and of low value. However, "produce" means to cause to happen,
How to Be Immediately Provocative to A Buyer
A rare, extended webinar:
Jabberwocky is the creation of Lewis Carroll and, in brief, its unintelligible language. Once only found in the confines of Alice in Wonderland, we too often find it arising in corporate wonderlands. I once heard a human resources woman talks about
Interview with Me on Real Wealth
Dig We Must
Con Ed, the huge New York City utility, is constantly digging up ancient pipes and wires underneath Manhattan. In the middle of a million cars they used to prop up a sign: "Dig we must
The Drill on the Beach
It's always been a hassle to get a beach umbrella properly secured so that the wind doesn't do away with it. And, of course, strong winds are quite common on the beach. This trip, I visited a hardware store where they