Six Figures to Seven Summary Gems
Here are just a few of the gems, personal observations, regrets, and improvement points in the summary reports from the participants in the Six Figures to Seven Workshop just concluded in Newport: • I've worked much too hard at "not failing." • I'm
Holiday Gift
This link was forwarded by one of my Mentor Program members, David Lahey, who runs a business in excess of $2 million. While it's a bit "Successories" in part, it does prove the point that I've long made in my
The Real Risk of Risks
For consultants and their clients, it’s helpful to try to get a grip on risk, since the “fear of fear” is driving people into bunkers these days. (Did YOU know that the stock market is up about 30% since its
Attitudes for Consulting Success
1. In any times, but especially these, stop whining and find out how to get things done. Believe it or not, there is no one hiding around the corner conspiring against you. The solution is generally within your grasp. I
A Train Ride
I’m learning more on the train every day. On my way to New York last week, I overheard the conductor processing an upgrade to first class. When he got to me to collect my ticket, I asked under what conditions could
Standing Out In A Crowd
Apropos of "Consulting Wisdom" posted here recently, life imitates art. A guy named Todd ordered two of my books in the Ultimate Consultant series. The publisher, Jossey-Bass, has chosen to change the format from hard cover to soft cover, which is
Consulting Wisdom
If you visited Amazon's consulting book list today you would have found that I have 5 of the top 25 books on consulting, and, oh yes, the Number One in the country (the third edition of Getting Started in Consulting). These
Random Consulting Thoughts
I've been looking and listening, gathering material for new projects. Here are some excerpts: 1. Wal•Mart has a new tag line, "Save Money. Live Better." It is elegant in its simplicity. And whether you like the company or not, whether you
Consulting Notes on These Times
Some of my random observations that became too long for my note pad: 1. Always build, don't destroy. The Democrats seem too intent, for example, on destroying the Republicans, who have done a pretty good job of doing that to themselves.
The Compleat Consultant
1. Never assume the other party is damaged. Assume they are as healthy as you and intent on improvement unless they demonstrate otherwise. 2. Never focus on a sale, a fee, or "business." Focus on the value you provide and the