How Ya Doin’?
Mea Culpa: I had had it with some rude store cashiers, especially in the pharmacy. So one day I approached with my purchases and asked how they were, made a small joke. They immediately responded with at least a half-smile. The
“When I’m 64” (The Beatles)
Have you noticed that entrepreneurs in professional services (law, accounting, consulting, design, coaching, business owners in general, etc.) tend to "work" later in their lives than people in organizational life? That's not because the former need the money, it's because
Hypocrisy is built into society. I was telling someone over cigars the other day about the speed of my cars and their acceleration. I realize, of course, that would never (and could never on most roads) drive the cars at
Whom Can I Blame?
Let me explain the trouble with the mindless pursuit of blaming "big business, Wall Street, greedy companies, politics" and so forth: This kind of conspiratorial thinking removes any accountability from individuals and conveniently blames some amorphous "other." Who elects those people?
Giving Up on the Professional Level
Tom Brady and the Patriots came back from being 25 points down at the half in the Super Bowl. They went on to win in overtime. Every player on the field said later that they were confident they could come
Here’s A Tip
Let's say your dinner bill is $142. The first two numbers are ten percent (14) and you double that for 20 percent (28) and you add that as your tip for a total of $170. I leave 20% as a
Off to the Races
Our German Shepherd puppy, Royce, goes to school twice a week. I take him in our pickup truck. Normally, I only use it around town to take the dogs for coffee or pick up food for the ducks and geese,
And Now the News
I am shocked when I recommend that people read the Wall Street Journal daily to best understand the business environment—and which also has excellent arts and sports sections—and the response is that it's too much trouble. I read it when I
You Want to Save Time? Try Studying
"Fake it 'till you make it." We're always looking for shortcuts. I remember some of the kids in college constantly trying to get copies of the exams or arranging to cheat with others during the tests. They worked harder than those
Pick Up the Damn Check
No matter how successful you are, you still might possess a poverty/scarcity mentality. That means that you continue to look at everything as a cost instead of an investment. It means you've never been able to "shake" the original feelings