Bud and the Gang
My neighborhood gang grew up together in a highly urban environment. We were all poor, so no one noticed. (Later, out teachers would describe us as "lower middle class," which was charitable, at the very least.) Store owners treated us like
Value Based Fees and the Law
Here is an excerpt from a letter being sent out by the attorney who handles my litigation (this is used with his permission). I think you'll find it fascinating and, let us say, ahead of the profession's curve. While it's
Alan’s Nine Steps to Marketing Email That Will Be Read
I love people who tell me they are hosting a radio show or a TV show. That almost always means they've allowed their ego to be captured by some wise guys who are charging them to "host their own show"! In
Well, Look Again….
Here I go again, trying to bring some optimism and positive techniques to the economy and consulting services. By the way, it was recently mentioned in the Wall Street Journalthat Europe will recover much more slowly than the U.S., which
Don’t Look Now, But….
I know it’s unfashionable to report good news, but someone has to do it. The stock market is hovering around being in the black for 2009. Government indicators are cautiously positive on trends in unemployment, housing sales, and trade. That is, things
Why Your Client Should Invest Now
I've published here previously research done by McGraw-Hill underscoring the wisdom of investing in promotion, development, and so on during a recession, and why such companies outperform those which hide under a rock. Thanks to Mark Smith, a member of
What Price Marketing?
It’s astounding to me how much consultants spend on marketing that not only need not be expended but is pretty useless, and how many simple, inexpensive activities with high impact are ignored. Interested in reading on? Here are examples of wasted time
You Talking to Me?? Why, Yes, I Am.
Too many consultants are thwarted when the buyer says, "Sounds interesting, I think you should talk to our human resources director (or training manager or whatever)." That's not the time to ask directions to the HR department, but to say
Investment During Recession
For those of you dealing with clients and prospects loath to invest "until times are better," here is a link to research done on the wisdom and results of investing during the early 80's recession which may be of great
How Boards Help (Or Hurt) Non-Profits
This is an op-ed piece published yesterday in the Providence Journal: Alan Weiss: How boards can help, hurt nonprofits 01:00 AM EST on Wednesday, December 10, 2008 ALAN WEISS I’VE BEEN A CONSULTANT for over 25 years, working with organizations of all sizes all