Show A Little Respect
Be content with winning. Don't insist that for you to really "win" the other person has to "lose." I've known too many people who are not satisfied with victory and continue to suffer because they don't feel the other person
“I Live with the Pain”
As a coach, I've met a lot of people whose issues with performance, innovation, organization, priority setting, and so forth are actually caused by physical problems they are unaware of or ignore. Sometimes it may be depression (clinical or non-clinical)
No Normal®
I've talked about the fact that we're in No Normal® and not a "return to normal" or a "new normal." The word "normal" means "typical" or "average." Do you want to be typical and average? We need to prevent a "regression
Who’s Pushing Your Buttons?
Let's face it, there are people who "get to you." Their presence puts you on edge, and tends to alter your behavior for the worse. There are the passive-aggresives who seek to undermine with faint praise; the bullies who try to
What Was I Going to Write? Oh, Yeah…
One of the reasons we don't retain good ideas and salient points is that we don't use and apply them immediately. If you see a quote, or a phrase, or a new word, or a statistic, or whatever that you
Visceral Victory
For over 30 years this has been a good tactic, so I'm confident it's the best course of action: When you're undecided about a candidate for a job, or whether to take on a client, or any such selection, go
Control and Influence in Your Business and Life
Take a look at your business model, from prospecting, through sale, through delivery, and follow-up. There are things you absolutely control (who you call, explaining your value, amount of personal labor, etc.), things you can influence which you don't absolutely
Why the Anger Over A Minor Issue?
Did you ever hear someone referred to as a person who "easily flies off the handle"? (An ancient phrase referring to an ax head flying off its wooden handle.) Were you ever perplexed by someone reacting far out of proportion
Positive Consequences to Small Problems
We tend to panic at an immediate problem or obstacle without considering what the impact and consequences really are. I was faced once with a plane that might not show up to take us off a Caribbean island for another day
The Fallacy of the Pinball Wizard
The more your career progresses, the more you become a thought leader or icon or avatar, the more people will critique you. This is a sign of success, not failure. There's no sense critiquing people who are minor players and also-rans.