Why They’re Called “Games”
A lot of football games are lost because the coaches play it safe. They don't take risks because they see the contest as more than a game, they see it as a major commentary on their worth and on life.
Diagnostics Are Available
I receive a monthly, personalized diagnostic on my Corvette, which includes all performance characteristics (oil quality and levels, tire pressure, etc.) and all management aspects (insurance coverage, warranties in force, On-Star, etc.). Wouldn't it be nice to have this for ourselves
Here’s What Does Help
A long, long time ago my son was crying about something. Off-handedly I told him, "Stop it, crying never helps." He stopped and thought for a minute. "What does help?" he asked. And that's been one of my key coaching and consulting
What Are You Waiting For?
When I find coaching clients "overwhelmed" (or even merely "whelmed") I ask them to list the issues that are causing them stress. It's often something like this: • Recording a promotional video • Getting tickets to a performance they want to see •
Can I Get Away with This?
There are two tests I find especially powerful if you're honest. The Wall Street Journal "stink test." What if what you're now doing or considering doing was in the Wall Street Journal tomorrow? How would people react? Kant's Categorical Imperative: What
What If Dostoyevsky, Nietzsche, and Sartre Walked Into A Bar….
We tend to throw around the term "existential" as if it means "theoretical" or "ambiguous" or "esoteric." But the term means "relating to existence." Dismissing issues relating to climate change, for example, as "existential," as incorrectly defined by the first
A Long and Happy Life
My wife and I received the latest Covid booster and our annual flu shot last evening. In two weeks we'll receive the RSV vaccine. Why? Because a doctor we trust who has kept us healthy strongly recommended it. Sort of like
The Grudge
When you hold a grudge you are controlled by another person, and that person can’t ever release you because he or she is unaware of the grudge. Either speak up or forget it.
Few conditions require that you rush like crazy (maybe catching a plane or performing the Heimlich maneuver). Otherwise, take a breath (or a day). Decisions usually don't improve by taking a long time and procrastinating, but they are definitely endangered
The Room Isn’t Moving
After an 8-day cruise, I felt as if the hotel room in Vancouver were rolling somewhat! We often retain elements of our last environment. But our self-esteem should be strong and constant. Not as low as our last setback (didn't make