Come on, Man (Person): Well, I Think It’s Funny….
I've always enjoyed interacting and debating with bright people. I consider these opportunities visits to the "mental gym." When I've met new people I've understood pretty rapidly what kind of intellect I'm encountering. My criteria are: Well read and well traveled,
John Irving Falls Off His Skis in His Latest Book: The Last Chairlift
(I'm really weary of the arrogance of social media platforms and their delays in response, arbitrary censorship, and so forth. Amazon is taking its sweet time posting this review of John Irving's newest book, The Last Chairlift. I'm posting it here
Read This, There Is No Option
I'm a big believer in options—my famous "choice of yeses" in proposals—but only a very limited number. I prefer three. Researchers call a surfeit of options "choice overload" (,satisfaction%20with%20the%20final%20decision.&text=Choice%20overload%20is%20a%20result,avoiding%20making%20a%20decision%20altogether.) and it simply means that too many choices tend to paralyze the
A Minute with Alan™ — Trusting Technology
April 28th, 2023 Apple AirTags: get and trust them.
You Think You’re Good? Compared to Whom?
I was watching a dance company that I thought was very good. I was sitting alongside a choreographer whom I knew. I asked her opinion. She didn't hesitate: "I'd say a six out of ten," she said. The perspective of an
Dominating Your “Public Square”
Lisa Larter and I developed this dynamic about the ability to dominate in the "public square." You need a powerful and growing body of work, a style that resonates with your ideal buyers, and to manifest confidence. If you have the
A Minute with Alan™ — Time Elasticity
April 27th, 2023 Chunk things up.