Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/01/2021
I remember being in a client meeting where a vice president raised an idea that had merit. But one of his peers, who was known to be highly aggressive and even radical, walked over to the trash can and pretended to vomit into it as his reaction to the idea.
There was an uncomfortable silence, the CEO indicated that the discussion about the idea should continue and it was agreed to pursue its viability. The hurling vice president was not invited to those subsequent meetings. I also found that his opinions were seldom seriously considered, and he soon left the company, despite his success in sales.
Although it’s become an antediluvian term, “compromise” is still the woof and warp of achieving goals. Truly radical members of deliberative bodies, from utility commissions to Congress, seldom are successful in getting legislation passed. (AOC in 2019 had none of her solely-sponsored bills passed, and was ranked near the bottom of the New York delegation in these statistics.) Aside from the few colleagues who share radical views, people tend to shun the extremes and search for middle ground in order to gather critical mass.
The art of compromise seems to have been lost. Joe Biden was elected, reasonably, to bring the country together. It seems to me he’s having trouble merely bringing his own party together.
I don’t advocate sacrificing what is of immense importance and principle, but I certainly advocate examining how best to bring others to your point of view. Even partial victory is better than total defeat. And it’s certainly better than the perpetual stalemate we find ourselves in these days.
Of course, when faced with a stalemate in chess, you can always start a new game.
But just as they did in Philadelphia when they were writing the constitution, sooner or later, you’ve got to compromise. You’ve got to start making the compromises that arrive at a consensus and move the country forward. —Colin Powell
The European family may well be anything but perfect. But it is the best thing that we have for bringing the countries of Europe around the same table and for forging compromises so that people here can live in peace, freedom, and prosperity. — Jean-Claude Juncker
Six Figures to Seven (627): I haven’t run this in several years, and then only twice in the US and once in London, once in Sydney. It’s occurred to me that I now know additional and faster ways to reach seven figures, having helped hundreds of people to get there. And the pandemic experience has major implications. Million Dollar Consulting and “seven figures” are metaphors for achieving the lifestyle and true wealth (discretionary time) that you desire. This experience, which I may never repeat at this stage, will get you there. February 10-11, 2022 (two full days) Las Vegas, Nevada
Fee: $3,500 through December 31, 2021, $4,500 as of January 1, 2022. Register here: https://alanweiss.com/store/
Controlling Conversations: How do you subtly yet assertively keep the conversation with prospective buyers moving toward trust, disclosure, and the agreement to accept a proposal? Master this, and you’ll raise your hit rate by 100%. This is a Zoom experience at 10 am US Eastern time on January 11, with a recording provided afterward. $450. Register here: https://alanweiss.com/gr
Sealing the Watertight Doors: Moving from a scarcity/poverty mentality to an abundance mentality (door bolts are included)
December 1, 2021—10 am US Eastern time via Zoom, Interactive, recording provided. Fee: $1,700. Most of us struggle to survive when we begin our own businesses. I, for one, was not born on third base thinking I had hit a triple. But as I progressed through survive, alive, arrive, thrive I realized that I also had to change my old habits, my old beliefs, and even some old friends and relationships. Join me for just 90 minutes in a limited group and learn to enjoy your success, be happy in your accomplishments, and act without fear and worry. https://alanweiss.com/
A Book in A Day in LA: It’s time to write that first (or next) book for 2022. In six hours you will leave with a complete, commercial book proposal (title, annotated chapters, competitive analysis, marketing platform, sample chapter outline) or a self-published ebook schematic ready for publishing within 30 days. I’m in LA for the birth of my third grandchild, so this $1,000 value is only $450 and I’m buying lunch. Enroll prior to November 15 and it’s $400. Your book should generate business worth 100 times that, at least: https://alanweiss.com/
Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? https://milliondollarcons