Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/24/2023
I consulted with the American Press Institute for 20 years. On one occasion, with about 40 reporters in the session, a guy from the New York Times complained that his employers didn’t pay adequately, his office computer was ancient, the hours were awful, and he was seldom praised but often criticized.“Why don’t you leave?” I asked.
“Are you crazy?” he said, “I love this work!”
If you think about people who are mainly passionate about their work—journalists, nurses, police, firefighters, EMTs, teachers—they are not among the highest paid workers and, in fact, are often among the lowest. They have to resort to unions and strikes to make slow progress in their status.
This is largely because it’s not hard to find people who are passionate about certain pursuits. (Note that this is changing these days with police because fewer people want to enter a profession that is maligned by so many people.) And since they want to engage in their “calling” they sacrifice the money and benefits that might otherwise accrue. Very few are recusant—they remain in the herd.
I’m mentioning this because the dynamic should not be true for entrepreneurs, but too often is. (In my experience, “life coaches” are overwhelmingly female, and universally undercharging for their value.) I’ve always believed in “dramatic ROI for the client and equitable compensation for me.” For the accountants out there, that means at least a 10:1 return for the client. Where else can you get that kind of improvement?
We take risks as entrepreneurs. We deserve the rewards. Wealth is discretionary time. But money is what enables us to protect our families, engage in philanthropy, support friends, and create personal growth.
It’s fine to “love the work.” I love mine. But I’m not complaining about my treatment from the boss. In my case, he’s very supportive.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. —Maya Angelou
Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you. —Oprah Winfrey
There is no end. There is no beginning. There is only the passion of life. —Federico Fellini
Master Master Class II: This sold-out event in March was so popular that I’m running another in October in Newport. I accept 16 people in person (you may also attend remotely on our large screen) and we have 7 seats remaining! I’m creating new material, exercises, and challenges. Past “grads” get a discount. One person said, “I’ve known you for nearly 20 years, and this is the best thing you’ve ever done!” (Maybe I just wasn’t that good before!) Register here: https://alanweiss.com/
SENTIENT STRATEGY, my new book, was released in March. It’s a revolutionary approach being facilitated by over 70 people in five countries. If you purchase the book, feel it’s justified and can give a five-star review on Amazon, I’ll invite you for free to a May Zoom session on Sentient Strategy and the role of strategy in contemporary society.
NEW! Alan’s Advisory Suite: Nine options for groups or individuals to receive “real time” coaching to build their practices and lives on a continuing basis. The strongest, best people in business, entertainment, sports, the media—all use coaches. https://alanweiss.
Alan Weiss’s Coaching Confidential Newsletter™: Sign up to receive my unique, monthly, highly targeted newsletter which contains inventive coaching methodology, case studies, and strange experiences in the coaching trade! I’ve coached thousands of business executives and entrepreneurs globally: https://alanweiss.
Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 47 countries. https://
NEW: Million Dollar Consulting® for the World ADVANCED: The new program contains over 60 videos and has 15 modules focusing on what to do in the buyer’s office, overcoming crises, financial planning, and much, much more. https://alanweiss.com/
Sentient Strategy Certification: My new book on the topic (above) has been released, so this is an ideal time to market Sentient Strategy. Write me to apply, join over 70 people certified in six countries. One-time fee of $12,000, includes 90 days of my support, free admission to all future certifications, and admission to a private web board with other Sentient facilitators. alan@
Vancouver Day: I’ll be providing a full day in Vancouver for as little as $300 (US) including lunch on September 9: How to Dramatically Increase Revenues while Radically Reducing Labor. I’ll be returning from an Alaskan cruise and need the money to pay for it! This is a rare appearance in Western Canada. https://alanweiss.com/
© Alan Weiss 2023