Dominating Your “Public Square”
Lisa Larter and I developed this dynamic about the ability to dominate in the "public square." You need a powerful and growing body of work, a style that resonates with your ideal buyers, and to manifest confidence. If you have the
A Minute with Alan™ — Time Elasticity
April 27th, 2023 Chunk things up.
A Minute with Alan™ — Readings
April 26th, 2023 We have to put some intonation and feeling into our discussions.
How Do You Represent People If You Won’t Speak to Them?
I don't think it's President Biden's age so much as whether people think he's able to do the job, and his "handlers" certainly seem to have a philosophy of shielding him from interviews and questioning, as even the New York Times
A Minute with Alan™ — Locked Out
April 25th, 2023 I’m in perfect health.
Failure Work
What I call "failure work" is work that must be done because the original attempt was unsuccessful. It's tough enough when you have to do a lot of failure work for your own errors, tougher when it's because your client
A Minute with Alan™ — Blowing Gas
April 24th, 2023 We have to understand that just submitting legislation to feel good is not sufficient.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/24/2023
I consulted with the American Press Institute for 20 years. On one occasion, with about 40 reporters in the session, a guy from the New York Times complained that his employers didn’t pay adequately, his office computer was ancient, the hours were
The Strategic Planning Oxymoron
"Strategic planning" is an oxymoron. Planning kills strategy. Planning is bottom-up, with people trying to be very conservative making estimates about growth because they don't want to endanger their bonus potential or receive quotas that are too high. Strategic is top-down,