Come On, Man: Hold On, Hold Fast
You know the bucking bulls they have in some bars? Well, the market was down 600 yesterday, it's up 500 so far today, just hold on as tight as you can. The market floor isn't padded like the bar's.
Why to Fly Jet Blue and Not American
We're on our way to see our new granddaughter in LA. I called Jet Blue after our horrible experience with American going to Miami with Maria needing a wheelchair because of impending hip surgery. The Jet Blue agent told me
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/20/2021
Well, Christmas is here on Saturday. In a rare trip away during the holidays, we’ll be in LA meeting our newest granddaughter for the first time. We’ll celebrate Christmas at Midnight Mass at a church near our hotel on the
Of Dogs and Territory
Bentley believes whatever he can see from the truck is his territory, so he barks at people and dogs within range. It's a rather assertive attitude, but he is a 90-pound German Shepherd. "Whatever isn't nailed own is mine, and whatever
Conveniently, Let Us Into Your Bank Account
Have you noticed that companies are billing with increasingly less time until the bill is due, and then offering "convenient" electronic payments to reduce their billing costs and get the money directly out of your account? Maybe I'm falling for conspiracy
Sorry About Your Home, Where’s My Private Jet?
I have this no doubt unpopular view that the multi-million dollar news anchors who go on site during a tragedy should be contributing substantially, financially, to the relief efforts. After all, it's the loss and misery of the people involved
Episode 218 – The Blahs
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 218 - The Blahs. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 218 - The Blahs
While this may seem trivial to some, I find a major benefit in being a solo practitioner is that I can stay the hell out of commuter traffic. When I'm infrequently in it, I ask how these people an do
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 12/15/2021
Word of the week™: Polemic