An Opportunity for Another Blog Post
When I was in New York for a few days this past week I found almost everyone cheerful: redcaps, doormen, restaurant captains and servers, Uber drivers, hot dog venders, sales people, receptionists, and police officers. There was no bemoaning what
Consulting 301
There's a lot of truth in the consulting advice, "If it hurts when you do that, stop doing that. That will be $50,000." (The last part is my own value-based addition.) Here's a current version: "Any strategy you had in place
What Great Service on My Airline! (Come on, man!)
Years ago I was sitting in first class on Delta. There were 20 seats. I found it odd that three flight attendants were up there, and that a guy across the aisle was getting so much attention. I asked one
Episode 190: The Bright Side of Covid
Tune in as Alan discusses the bright side of Covid-19. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform:
Being A Person of Interest
Everyone talks about "presence," but what is it? It's the behavior and speech that create a reaction in others of "I'd like to get to know this person better because they're interesting." Learn how to speak and how to be socially comfortable
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 06/02/21
Today’s word: uxorious.
Across the River
I was sitting in the WS Club at Hudson Yards in Manhattan last evening, having dinner, looking over the Hudson River to Union City, New Jersey, where I grew up. It was then, and still is now, the most densely
New York, New York
My first trip in 15 months, by Acela to the Big Apple. The first class car was about 85% filled, excellent service and right on time. The new Moynihan Train Hall compared to the old, ancient Penn Station is a
Memorial Day 2021
It’s not so fashionable these days to remember and honor those who are willing to put themselves in harm’s way to protect us, especially those who, as Lincoln said, “gave their last full measure of devotion” in so doing. And so,