A dangerous convict, shackled in the back of a police car for transport, nevertheless is able to choke the police officer driving the car, cause a crash, grab his gun, force him to unshackle him, then take his cell phone
Express Lane, Four Items Only
Why were you interested in seeing me today? If you had unlimited resources to improve just one thing, what would it be? I can help you with that, may I ask you some questions so that I can prepare
Client Service 601
We've all been exposed to what I call Client Service 101, an amateurish training provided by inexpensive firms to equip phone representatives to better deal with outraged customers, that outrage being caused by deficient products, services, and/or delivery procedures. It goes
The intellectual capital you walk into a client with is yours, and you walk out with it. The only "work product" that the client has paid for and can keep is what, specifically, you create for that company. Don't allow
Let me suggest to you that you need to focus on this sequence: Find the economic buyer, that person who can authorize a check for your value. Do NOT allow yourself to become entwined with lower level people. Use them
DASM: Why Not Just Burn Your Money?
A sandwich shop franchise is usually between $200,000 and $400,000. The sandwiches are probably about $7 on average, and with drinks and chips figure about $10. If salaries, taxes, benefits, rents, utilities, insurance, supplies and so forth cost another $300,000,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/31/17
In the arts, it's the quality of the experience that's important. A symphony may last for only 15 minutes, a play for three hours. We may view a Picasso or Rembrandt for only a few minutes. We don't evaluate
Change the Binary Decision
The next time you find yourself asking, "Should I do this or that?" ask a different question: "How can I do both?"
Trust Me
A "trusted advisor" is someone whose expertise is highly valued, in whom the client has great belief, and who is highly responsive to client questions and issues. A "retainer" is merely the monetary conveyance that pays for such access.