The Not-So-Super Bowl
What you saw in the Super Bowl yesterday was absolute mediocrity. Two poor quarterback performances, unimaginative play calls, turnovers, just a mess. Yesterday, at least, a half-dozen other teams could have beaten either of the finalists. But the Broncos and Panthers
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/8/16
I know this will generate letters that always begin, "I usually agree with you but
Large organizations (and small ones) have bureaucracies, overhead, which eat into profit. Some of it is needed, much of it is not. I believe entire human resource departments, for example, are simply unnecessary overhead. The problem is that many solo consultants
Do They Have Budget?
Many people I coach are flummoxed that what they believed was complete agreement with the buyer fell to pieces when the buyer sees the fee for the first time—even modest fees. Some feel betrayed, others feel like failures. Whenever you're dealing
Dumb Ass Stupid Marketing
I received the email below a couple of days ago (I've changed some names so as not to give them any publicity whatsoever): Hi Alan, My name is Sherry Useless. I'm the administrative assistant for Michael Loon, co-author of the book, "Don't
The “Fix” Is Out
We are inculcated to "fix" things, solve problems, restore poor performance to prior, acceptable performance. Forget about it. When you're with a buyer, attempting to fix something will: Imply you can solve something quickly that the (stupid) buyer has struggled with for months. Take
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/1/16
I have alway eschewed the kind of honors that you pay for, e.g., one of the myriad,worthless Who's Who books. I actually placed my dog, Trotsky, in one once. His check cleared the bank. Nevertheless, I have a couple of
Conspiracies and Paranoia
I'm reading more and more from people who believe there are vast conspiracies preventing their success. The conspirators are usually the government, drug companies, the media, the United Nations, the wealthy, and so forth. (Any notion of a government which