Guest Column: Execution IS the Strategy
Laura Stack is the former president of the National Speakers Association, and organizer of The Elite Retreat, which I facilitate each January. She's also a good buddy and loves Corvettes. Her new book launches next week. Execution IS the Strategy: How Leaders Achieve Maximum
What If Facebook Required An IQ Test?
I decided to read every Facebook post on my home page (or whatever it is) this morning right to the bottom, and I found
Obesity Down for Children, It Won’t Please Everyone
Today's New York Times: Obesity Rate for Young Children Plummets 43% in a Decade By SABRINA TAVERNISE The data, reported in a major federal health survey, offered the first clear evidence that America's children have turned a corner in the obesity epidemic, and came
Alan’s Thought For Today
Michelangelo was supposed to have explained that he created David out of a single block of marble by carving away everything that didn't look like the David. Your career should revolve around those things you are passionate about and are superb
I Don’t Need to Learn, I Just Need to Pass
The New York Post revealed a high school in New York allowing zero class attendance and credits for simply watching videos. The students were encouraged to write, attacking the Post for the exposé. The letters could have been written by parakeets simply
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/24/14
This week's focus point: Once again, we witness a stunning revolution, this time in the Ukraine. The real question now, as in Egypt and Libya, is freedom for what purpose? Will people join in collaboration to create reforms, or will
Initial This
A woman contacted me on Linkedin, told me she's reading two of my books, tried two approaches, and they didn't work the way she had hoped, so I should change my approaches. She also told me to remove part of
The Difference Between 1 and 7
I was graduated number 9 academically in high school, and number 7 in college. I tell you this not to brag—I don't want to recreate Facebook here—but to explain a significant difference in labor. I studied with my own discipline (I
Million Dollar Consulting College® Opportunity
I have a few slots open in the Consulting College in Newport, May 5-9, and an opportunity to attend without an immediate payment. For those who can demonstrate financial need, I will allocate a seat with the agreement of a 10%