The Haters
A while ago I decided I'd write occasionally for a local blog. The administrator is a very nice, bright woman and does a professional job. What I learned, however, is that there are real "haters" out there who are, thankfully, rare
Alan’s Developmental Beach
Green flag, solid skills building, pragmatic information. The breakers can be tough, but so can life. Take prudent risks and enjoy. Yellow flag, caution, what you're experiencing sounds right, but there are undercurrents and rip tides. Not totally safe; not what
New Version of Fire Walking
I'm going into competition with Tony Robbins. For $2,500 you can firewalk with him on hot coals. Or, for only $1,500 you can sit in a chair and one of my assistants will burn your feet with a lit cigar.
The Dog Star: Burrowing Beagles
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) Sometime in the early morning, Buddy Beagle will arise from his
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 7/23/12
July 23, 2012—Issue #148 This week’s focus point: If you want to change the "culture"--and the manifest behaviors (of a business, school, non-profit, etc.)--identify and change the behaviors of the formal and informal leaders who
Alan’s Thought For Today
If you remain furious at people who have hurt you, you are enslaved to them and can never be freed. "Own" your problems and your anger. Free yourself. There is nothing as powerless as a self-created "victim." © Alan Weiss 2012.
21 Treated for Burns During Tony Robbins Motivational Seminar
I guess they weren't motivated enough. (Sent to me my Mentor Hall of Fame Member Alex Goldfayn)
Alan’s Thought For Today
It's hard to breathe when you're living in someone else's reality. © Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.
Three Flavors of Consultant
I have the rare opportunity in my communities to observe consultants consulting with each other—offering advice, asking questions, engaged in mutual and constructive improvement. I've noticed that in virtually zero cases do these very high powered consultants in the room