The Stafford Hotel and St. Paul’s Cathedral in London
The Stafford Hotel St. Paul’s Cathedral, designed by Christopher Wren St. Paul’s Cathedral, designed by Christopher Wren St. Paul’s Cathedral, designed by Christopher Wren St. Paul’s Cathedral, designed by Christopher Wren
Prevention (Episode 42) Click Here for entire series table of contents © Alan Weiss 2010. All rights reserved.
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/1/10
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo®’s mission is to help readers to thrive. March 1, 2010—Issue #24 This week’s focus point: I'm hearing too often from solo practitioners and small business owners that they feel "blowing their own horn" and assertive promotion is
Virgin Atlantic Air Club in London’s Heathrow Airport
Alaina Walks (Like A Drunken Sailor)
If you are friends with me on Facebook (I knew it would be useful for something some day!) go to my profile page and watch my granddaughter, Alaina, resemble me at my last birthday party (which some of you attended)!
Subcontractors for “Clients for Life”
Submitted by Andrew Sobel: I am looking for one or more experienced consultants to work as subcontractors to deliver consulting and training programs based on my books (All for One, Making Rain, and Clients for Life) and intellectual property. My clients
Shamelessly Yours
Are you here to stick your toes in the water or to make waves? Is your mental set to take their money or having value to share? Listen to this podcast and to Alan discussing why you should consider shamelessly
Olympic Zen
I have three new books I'm writing; four new global initiatives; trips to New York, Florida, and Bora Bora to coordinate; and six new restaurants I want to try. However, I'm distracted by a nagging concern. Is ice skating a sport? Can
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/22/10
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo®’s mission is to help readers to thrive. February 22, 2010—Issue #23 This week’s focus point: The mighty can fall with alarming suddenness. Toyota and Tiger Woods are merely two recent examples of organizational and professional calamity. The
I was at the desk of The Stafford this morning checking out, when a man walked up next to me and told the desk clerk that he was departing and she could just leave the charges on his bill. She