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Author: Alan Weiss

Friday, July 20 Last full day! Started out windy and grey, but became better and better. Six consecutive, fine days on the beach. That’s not bad. The “escalation specialist” from Verizon actually called me this morning, talked to me for 60 seconds,

Thursday, July 18 Another great day, rained late, over dinner, so we ditched plans to drive up to Wildwood, where we used to take the kids and where Danielle won “Little Miss Admiral” at age 5. Both my wireless connections and my

Tuesday, July 17 I’m always up by 7. This morning, on my jaunt for coffee and newspapers, I was accompanied as usual by the sounds of hundreds of purple martins (lavendarius deanus). They live in four-story-high houses erected on the property,

Monday, July 16 I’m up early watching the fog burn off. Two pelicans circle, unusual visitors here. The dolphins are active already. The birds no doubt figure that if there are dolphins congregating, there are fish. Whale and dolphin-watching boats soon arrive

Saturday, July 14 Like great white herons migrating to ancestral homes in Patagonia, Maria and I are making our annual pilgrimage to the Jersey Shore (other states have beaches, Jersey has a shore). The Bentley easily breaks our prior record through