Innovation In Drinks
My wife doesn't drink, and the famous Scorpion Bowl was a two-person drink. But now they have made it into a one-person drink, a true technological innovation!
A Minute with Alan™ — Don’t Leverage Leverage
March 30th, 2023 What you should leverage is the value you’re providing.
Great Art As Porn: Was This Really An Episode of “The Simpsons”?
Parents complained at a school in Florida because their children were shown The David which, of course, has intact male genitalia. Michelangelo and the Italians (and most sane people in the world) consider this great art. But American are so
A Minute with Alan™ — Promotion
March 29th, 2023 We have to look at our offerings as a service and value to others.
Pick Up the Damn Check
No matter how successful you are, you still might possess a poverty/scarcity mentality. That means that you continue to look at everything as a cost instead of an investment. It means you've never been able to "shake" the original feelings
A Minute with Alan™ — The Brush Store
March 28th, 2023 How can you make a living selling a brush?
Let Me Give You An Example
If a picture is worth a thousand words, an example is worth a thousand pictures. Use social proof wherever and whenever you can to quickly gain acceptance of your points and greatly reduce your own labor. Is it easier to show someone