Marketing Preferences
If you want to market aggressively, focus on options which you're good at and love doing. I'm a lousy networker (I'm prompted to say, "Why are you trying to talk to me?" at events, which is why I've never run
Recency Bias
The "recency effect" simply describes the fact that most people will best remember what they've heard last. If you're asked to remember a group of addresses or phone numbers, the latter ones will be easiest to recall. Hence, make sure your
Call Me
No one expects "instant access" today. (Remember, some of you, the old "pink slip" telephone messages someone would leave for you after answering your phone?) The problem is that too many people provide instant access via their smart phones. This
A Minute With Alan™ – Pain and Suffering
June 10th, 2022 There is a distinct difference between pain and suffering.
Service Standards
Last evening I stopped my car in an illegal space for a moment to see if the "no reservations" restaurant had room. They did, and when I returned to the car the valet from another restaurant across the street had
A Minute With Alan™ – Everything is Not Fine
June 9th, 2022 If I could give you a magic wand, but you could only change one thing, what would you change?
Who’s on First?
Once upon a time I was at an executive meeting at an insurance client. The debate at the table was whether to give priority to independent agents' various demands for priority, or to customers (called "insureds"). I finally asked the
#243 Dishonest Politicians
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 243 - Dishonest Politicians Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 243 - Dishonest Politicians
A Minute With Alan™ Don’t Let The Client Dictate
June 8th, 2022 I don’t tell Mercedes how to make brake pads.