The recovery question that emerges after this next, intense period of infection they're predicting, will be whether it is a "V" shape, with a strong, immediate recovery after a dramatic decline, or a "U" shape, which has a waiting period
Best Practices
Are you providing a kind of "best practices" information to your clients, recommenders, and prospects? You might choose: • Podcasts • Electronic newsletters • Emails • Video links And you might include: • Motivating remote-working employees • Keeping in touch with and providing value to customers • Government
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/30/2020
My personal trainer told me a week ago he was probably going to have to close because of retail restrictions. I asked what I could do to maintain my strength and stamina until he reopened. He promptly put some weights
Holler or Help?
Social media posts would be funny if the times weren't so difficult for so many people. If everyone whining about the government's actions and/or bloviating about how they would do things differently—or using the crisis to make partisan political points—would
How Are You Investing (Not “Spending”) Your Time?
Let's consider we've been in the current, highly restricted conditions for about two weeks. And let's assume that 20 hours of that week you're taking care of your family, shopping, home schooling, keeping in touch with friends and extended family,
Q&A on Sustaining and Building Business in Crisis Times
During my livestream I couldn't even get to all the questions. Here are some of those and my responses. To watch the recording, go here: What is your best/worst case estimate for getting back to more normal times? I have
Free Livestream Recording on Business in Crisis Times
We had nearly 1,000 people during the free, live broadcast yesterday, and you can still watch the recording with thousands of others on How to Sustain and Build Business in Crisis Times: