Please Stop Lighting Matches Near the Dynamite
Preventive action is far superior to contingent action, because it saves money, time, embarrassment, and sometimes, lives. Prohibiting smoking, separating combustibles, making sure electrical connections are at or above requirements are far superior than having the sprinklers go off, people
But What If I Can’t Deliver All This New Business?
Sometimes I think that almost every article in the New York Times begins with an implicit or actual "but." No matter what the good news, there's a chance something bad will happen. Every year for the past decade some "experts" have
It Matters Whom You Ask
It strikes me that putting such political importance on primaries in states like Iowa and New Hampshire is like asking your least representative customers what they'd like to see from you in the future. I think you should be pursuing
Where Should This Conversation Lead Us?
When you're running a race, you know where the finish line is. When you're playing a game, you know what the standard is for winning. When you're in a business conversation, you need to know what your goal is if you are
Here’s A Good Idea
Occasionally, someone will say (in writing, form a distance) rather snidely, "It's easy for you to advocate that practice because you have a strong brand. What about the rest of us? You can't relate to where we are!" (These are
Episode 121: Inexplicable Errors
Why lies and fabrications stick to our histories like glue, and why we provide the glue. And, be sure to think about your own history, the story of your life that you're writing each day. Are you secure enough to jettison
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 02/05/20
Today's word: philippic.
The Dog Star and Political Primaries
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. —Astrological Definition) The problem with the Iowa and New Hampshire early primaries or caucuses
Give Up A Plastic Bag or Give Up A Kid?
While we often speak of "immediate gratification" it's not always about immediate results. People would rather talk about "climate change" and the implications of what we might or might not be influencing far in the future, but they don't want