Tell your prospects after an initial meeting that you'll follow up on a given date, at a certain time, with specific actions. Date/time/action after every meeting to move things rapidly forward. Never allow "I'll get back to you" or "Let's
Who the Hell Are You Calling An INTJ?
I'm weary of reading ignorant posts on Facebook which begin with: Trump supporters are
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/26/2019
Did you know that over the last 20 years the proportion of world population living in extreme poverty has been halved? Or that life expectancy in the entire world is 70? That there are 2 billion children (age 0-15) in
How to Talk to A Rocket Scientist
If you want to be able to talk to almost anyone about almost anything, read widely. The worst books to read are business books. Read fiction, biography, history, science, philosophy, and so on. Read books on the best-seller lists. This is
Are You an Amateur Or A Professional?
If you want to make waves and not just stick your toe in the water, you need to be bold about what you believe. I could say, "Billing by the hour or day will not generate as much revenue as using
Change, Damn It!
If someone does not want to be helped, it's unlikely you'll be able to help them. If you haven't made progress in 60 days and continue to coach them, you're simply accepting money for showing up. People can and do
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee
Almost all the people who tell me that they "haven't had their morning coffee yet" or "need their coffee before we can start" are no better in their performance, or thinking, or contributions after they've drunk it.
Over Here!
"When you are ready the teacher will appear" is attributed both to Buddha and the theosophic movement. It's a nice thought, and has also been used in martial arts training, My feeling is that it never hurts to put up a