Episode 98: You Must Capitulate
It's no longer sufficient to merely win, the other person must LOSE! We'd never get through the day if we kept demanding that everyone else capitulate.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 08/21/19
Today's word: concatenation.
Going to the Source
Always go to the source, not an intermediary. If you want a business decision, go to the buyer, not a subordinate or an assistant. If you want to learn something, find the original source, not secondary ones which quote others.
When It Rains on the Meteorologist Who Predicted Sunshine
If politicians, sports analysts, financial experts, and similar people were evaluated regularly, as employees everywhere are, in terms of performance expectations and projections agains actual results and accuracy, we'd start to see what turnover really looks like. One year a
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 08/19/2019
I was talking to my daugher here in Nantucket last night about her work as an independent show-runner who also pitches her own shows. She's quite successful at it, though I get tired just listening to how hard she works. At
As Wile E. Coyote Said….
If you have to start every chapter of your book with someone else's quote, and cite others repeatedly throughout the book as if trying to justify your positions, why wouldn't readers just go to the original sources rather than read
A woman on LinkedIn actually posted that she keeps a sign in her office (she's a sales manager of some kind) that there's only a two percent chance of making a sale on the first or second call, but there's
Let Me Give You A Little Culture
I've always thought that "culture" is simply that set of beliefs which governs behavior. Hence, if you want to change a corporate "culture" or a school board "culture" you have to change the belief systems or the people with inappropriate
Episode 97: Political Debates
Pure wind, pandering, and outright lies told with a straight face. These people will eat their young for votes.