Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 06/12/19
Today's word: transgressive.
The Value Distance
Every client (buyer) knows what he or she wants, but not necessarily what is needed. You arrive at the true need by asking, "Why do you want that?" The "why" raises the level of discussion to true end results, often
Whom Are You Seeking?
The traditional sales forces are disappearing and will continue to do so. This is due to highly educated consumers using the internet to both research options and purchase. (It's easier for me to order online than visit a local store,
Exploiting Success
Do you track unsolicited referrals? Do you ever receive them? If so, from what source? One time I received scores of subscriptions for one of my newsletters in a single morning. I asked a sample of those people why they had subscribed,
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 06/10/2019
Capitalism is a fine system for generating wealth, but it’s not one that automatically distributes it well. We once compensated for that with extended families, religious communities, government safety nets, pensions, and so forth. Not so much anymore. I read this
Overall Impressions
An Über driver named Tasha here in Las Vegas went to the wrong address to pick us up from church, refused to drive over one more block insisting she was in the right place (she couldn't find a huge cathedral!),
I’ve Succeeded A Great Deal on My First Attempt
Some woman on Linkedin, a lawyer of course, posted that the first time you try anything it will be awful, so get it over with. That's so cynical and crass I scarcely know where to begin with it. I'd certainly
Learning Curves
Within an hour yesterday, an instructor at Dig This in Las Vegas taught me how to operate an excavator so that I independently dug a trench that removed over a ton of dirt; picked up volley balls from cones and
The Great Big Book of Dopey Affirmations
I find things like this on Linkedin: • If you keep your balance you'll never knock someone else down. • It's okay to be last because you can see everyone else ahead of you. • If you don't take time to listen, how