Everywhere But One
A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and among his own kin and in his own house. The Gospel of Mark, chapter 6, verse 4. I try to keep this in mind!
I'm in Washington, DC and I'm observing the now-ubiquitous, motorized scooters that are all over town. The software is impressive: You use Über or Lyft or someone else, you see where the scooters are randomly on the streets and how
Episode 84: Crashing Standards
Whereby we lower standards in a berserk limbo competition for who can go lowest. These days, it seems people would rather set the bar lower than reach a certain standard.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 05/15/19
Today's word: coruscate.
A Case for Early
I've always tried to get what I need to get done early in the day, and avoid the late afternoon. I've seen clients where everyone wants to see the boss before lunch because the boss allots more time and is
When the Acceptance Speech Is Shorter than the Introduction
Somehow, somewhere, the introduction to a guest of honor became a mini-speech in itself. The introducer wanted to draw attention to his or her own prowess. Years ago I was in the audience when Pulitzer Prize winner Tony Kushner (Angels
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/13/2019
Here’s a thought for Mother’s Day: What good are fleets and armies if we can’t keep our children safe in their schools? How is it we can go about our daily business as if children being shot in classrooms is simply another
Bribe Someone To Get Your Kid OUT of Harvard
When Harvard students protest because an attorney on the faculty agrees to serve as part of the defense team for Harvey Weinstein, you can continue with your morning coffee because no one ever accused Harvard undergraduates of being practical and
They’re Pretty Bad, But They’re Cheap
People who are angry in their jobs are really angry with themselves, perhaps for not having a better job, or not doing better in the current job. But my advice is always to remove them because they consistently provide poor