This Is the IRS, We’d Like to Talk to Your Horrible Accountant
We (should) tell clients who feel they can "do it themselves" that they can't, or they would have done it already. Marshall Goldsmith and I point out in our work (and our book, Lifestorming) that if people can't get something done
Episode 80: Vaccinate This
Why rights aren't absolute and the ignorance of science. To avoid health protection for your kids is child abuse.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 04/17/19
Today's word: longueurs.
Think of the value you intend to offer and its impact before you determine the delivery vehicle or the fee. High-end car companies build the very best car they can and then decide what to charge for it. Commodity car companies
Where’s My Hat, What’s My Hurry?
I'm astounded by people "fleeing" a development experience hours early in order to catch their ride home. They're leaving possibly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to go back to where they spend 90% of their time. It's not going to ruin your
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/15/2019
Tesla is a goner in its present state. A year from now it will belong to someone else. I've said this from the outset: Elon Musk has been using government subsidies and other people's money, has lied about the car's
A Review of the Game of Thrones Season Opener
A Review of the Game of Thrones Season Opener Aside from the fact that the story continues in confusing arcs, and some of the background shots are so phony they belong in a 1930s B movie, and the acting seems to
If It Hurts, Stop Doing That
I've helped both my Fortune 500 clients and my entrepreneurial clients over the years mostly by asking a few simple questions when they come to me for help. I don't let them drown me in "background" information, and I force
Is Time On Your Side?
"I don't have time" is the dumbest excuse in the world. Of course you have time (and so do your prospects). We all have 24 hours every day. The question is what you do with your time. If you see your
I’ve Turned Far Enough
Turning the other cheek is sound advice, but the person who provided it never said to then allow someone to keep hitting you. Take control of your interactions and your life.