Episode 52: Presentism II
Was Columbus a good guy or not? Should we play Wagner's music, even though he was an anti-Semite? Can you be an outstanding talent and also a lousy person? Sometimes even "presentism" isn't in the present.
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 10/03/18
Today's word: narcoleptic.
There is a tendency to sacrifice personal and private time to the demands of clients and prospects. We act as though we must respond to the date and time they inquire about, or they'll move on to someone else. Do you
The Price of Success
If you ever believe that your successful practice or company is golden because of your great clients and repute, I have two letters for you: GE. It was once a $500 billion concern. Now it's barely 20% of that, kicked
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/01/18
We look back, somewhat embarrassed at our pasts: haircuts, fashions, entertainment, behaviors. We ask ourselves, "What were we thinking?" Disco? Folk songs? Tail fins on cars? Peace signs? Pinky rings? But we look back from the present as though it's a
End the Madness
If California can legislate that women must be included on all board of directors, can they also demand Hispanics, or gays, or disabled, or under 40 and over 60? Can they also set limits, such as no more than three
The Funnies in Real Time
I don't know the source of this, someone sent it to me this morning: ANOTHER CHAPTER OF "THEY WALK AND REPRODUCE!!Actual call center conversations! (Maybe they really are?)Customer: 'I've been calling 700-1000<tel:700-1000> for two days and can't get through;
Let Me In
Global Entry is a blessing, but in all the years I've been using it, for the first time there was a line at the machines in Boston last night, and the system is not set up for lines of people
Confirmation Bias
After a speech once, two women approached me within five minutes of each other. One said that I was "remarkably gender neutral" and used male and female pronouns equally. The second said that I was "gender biased" and didn't take