Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 8/27/18
We feed the birds year-round, mainly because I like to watch the feeders from my den window. (My current "squirrel proof" feeders do frustrate all but the most innovative Sciurus carolinensis.) During the summer, the birds spill some of the
I Know What’s Best (for Those I Don’t Agree With)
This is HL Mencken: "Moral certainty is always a sign of cultural inferiority. The more uncivilized the man, the surer he is that he knows precisely what is right and what is wrong." There's a certain revulsion one acquires on social media
Would You Please Stop Shouting So That You Can Hear Me Shouting?
Every political comment and response I read on social media are among people who have no intention of changing their minds.They simply shout their positions at each other. What is the point of that? I've never seen a chess match
Which Way Do I Go, Which Way Do I Go?
Bentley anticipates the direction of the Frisbee and starts running before I throw it. He makes mid-course corrections after he looks up for it. A lot of people get to the bottom of an escalator and stop, trying to figure out
When I was young and we were poor, we could afford grapefruit on a weekend for breakfast. My mother cut two in half, separated the flesh from the rind with a knife, and the three of us would eat the
The first step toward personal autonomy is to stop seeking others' approval and simply do what you think is right.
Episode 46: The Humility Myth
Humility is NOT a desirable trait for professionals because no customer, client, or consumer screams out for a humble surgeon. You've probably heard advice alluding to the need for humility. Here's why that advice is overrated.
The Best of Alan
From my ad lib collection: Irate woman arguing with me over a book that hadn’t yet arrived: “You know, you remind me of my ex-husband.” Me: “Why am I not surprised you have an ex-husband?” Man introduced to me by someone mentioning all of the