Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/18/18
Attendance is declining in major league baseball in the U.S. That's not surprising to me. I'm from the era when it was expected that pitchers would pitch an entire game unless being battered, weak hitting shortstops didn't make $20
Facing Facebook
Starting your day on Facebook can be even more depressing than the slanted, early morning news. Here are some of the tropes that are widely used and also useless: • Why can't we do that in the US? This usually cites
Enough Is Enough
Anything taken to an extreme is usually dysfunctional. Barry Goldwater, Republican candidate for president, lost the election by saying things like this: "Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice." He said that in his convention acceptance speech in 1964.
Why do people insist on going around the block to get next door? In a restaurant, "Are you still working on that?" (or "Still enjoying that?") when my dish is obviously empty is more than silly. "May I clear?" seems appropriate.
On Sterility
The guy next to me on the flight from San Francisco to Boston meticulously uses sterile wipes on his seat, seat back, shared arm rest, seat back in front of him, TV screen, and tray table. Then he proceeds to
On the shuttle to the airport this morning in San Francisco I sat among two pilots and a flight attendant from American Airlines. They were discussing the best places to drink, with the cheapest liquor, in Las Vegas. I was happy
Episode 36: Eradicating History
How do we deal with cardinal sins and venial sins? Do we take all accusations seriously? There are people today, and you can't make this up, who want to ban Gone with the Wind. They feel as though the movie and the book portray stereotypical and horrible racial traits. But, a lot of art portrays what
Let’s Hear the Other Side
A complaint does not meant the subject of the complaint is somehow wrong or needs help. The non-routine behavior is the complaint. Examine that, first. Three people complaining about a manager doesn't necessarily prove the manager is deficient. You may
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 6/13/18
Today's word: colloquy.