Say, What?
These days people are paying more attention to the source rather than the content or reasoning. If a person likes the source, "down is up" is acceptable. If a person doesn't like the source, "free speech is vital" is unacceptable. Use
Episode 2: Energy
How the Second Law of Thermodynamics can erode your business and your life if you don't renew yourself. Transcript: Ellen white's here, welcome to my podcast on Energy. Henry David Thorough is credited with saying, "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation"
I Don’t Dance (Don’t Ask Me)
At times you'll be asked dumb questions. Don't attempt to honor them (or prolong them) with a rational response. Don't dance to their music. Point out the absurdity and move on. Examples: • How many firms exactly like ours have you
Having A Bad Day? Think Again
There was an article in the Times today about the long-overdue rehabilitation of a major airport in Nigeria. They're going to close it for six weeks to repair runway potholes, deteriorating stairways, and non-working restrooms. The government has been incompetent in
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/06/17
It was my birthday on Friday, which is always a good time for a bit of reflection, especially with the kind of life I lead. I always like to know what's causing my success so that I can replicate it
How Do You Feel About This?
"How should I feel about this?" I'm often asked. "How do you feel?" I ask in return. The point is that whatever you feel is valid. There are no "right and wrong" feelings against which to compare yourself. Whatever you feel is
Steal This Post
Why is it that those people most sensitive about someone stealing their IP and infringing on their brands have very little IP and very weak brands? I hear people say, "Don't put all your IP in the book, they won't
Do you awake under your own control or someone else's? I don't mean the alarm clock, or wake up call, or rooster. I mean, do you wake up with the intent of having a great day mostly under your control,