Let Me Fit You Into Our Grid (Dumb-Ass Stupid Management)
Here's a request from a reporter that appeared today in my inbox: "I am seeking HR professionals at organizations who are using the '9-box grid' method to assess employee potential and manage their development. The article will cover what the tool
Link to Online Buying Study
Here is the link for the report I mentioned earlier today on the minimal influence of social media on online holiday purchasing: http://ow.ly/4OWUY #GSIchat
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/09/11
May 9, 2011—Issue #86 This week’s focus point: My wife and I have been flying a lot lately. In first class, the drill is consistent, no matter what carrier. There are 8 to 22 people. Yet the
Social Media Lack of Influence in Holiday Online Purchasing
(Note: An interesting piece of correspondence from one of my colleagues in Australia. I'll publish the actual report once I make sure it's permissible to do so.) Alan, I thought you might be interested in this report I just ran across
The Dog Star: In Pursuit of the Real Thing
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) Buddy Beagle makes it a point to mooch biscuits from any
The Seven Signs of the Consulting Apocalypse
1. Billing by the hour, day or other time unit. 2. Failing to find and establish a relationship with an economic buyer (someone who can sign a check). 3. Leading with methodology and techniques rather than results and value. 4. Being prescriptive in
Quo Vadis, HR?
(as published on Human Resource Executive Online ) The ship of HR as a profession may be sailing into the sunset unless senior-level executives face up to the failures of the function, writes an HR consultant. No one
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
We’re completing our stay at Disney World with the family. We’ve had a wonderful time watching the granddaughters have a ball. The place is really built for two and three year-olds who rejoice in seeing Mickey. I can never turn