Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/01/10
November 1, 2010—Issue #59 This week’s focus point: Tomorrow will be a dramatic election day in the US. No matter what your party or affiliation or independence, one can only wonder why those in office aren't constantly striving to
The Etiquette of Profanity
Do I have your attention? I grew up playing ball in inner-city schoolyards, and played varsity high school sports using antiquated locker rooms and facilities in run-down neighborhoods. Obscenities were a mindless aspect of our existence, and most of us didn't
A Man of WHICH people?
President Obama was in Rhode Island yesterday for all of four hours, but it was one of the most intensely dysfunctional four hours any politician could create. He spoke briefly at a 40-person factory (from notes!) which had rehired people after
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/25/10
October 25, 2010—Issue #58 This week’s focus point: Almost all organizations (public and private, large and small) have three potential interactions with customers and clients: products, services, and relationships. If you focus merely on product, you're engaged in a price-sensitive commodity.
Local Vacation
I've always believed in "local vacations," where we can turn a weekend (or whenever) into a singular experience. Yesterday, we packed an overnight bag and headed for the Castle Hill Inn in Newport (where quite a few of you have joined
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• Why do politicians focus on attacking each other instead of generating ideas? Probably because they have no new ideas, but just want to serve in office for the power or ego, and find it as mindless to attack an
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 10/18/10
October 18, 2010—Issue #57 This week’s focus point: The Chilean miners persevered through an ordeal because they were organized, mutually-supportive, rallied around a respected leader, and kept themselves physically and emotionally strong. That's good advice for any challenge. However, suddenly they