Go Out? Why Would I Want to Go Out?
Inevitably, people are adjusting to Covid and restrictions with such flexibility that you're going to see people complaining about more lifestyle changes as the pandemic abates. Nothing wrong with that. It's called resilience. And kids are the most resilient of all.
Routines are highly important to center you and create motivation. Here's an example: Start your day with some small "victory," like a new breakfast prepared or a faster run. Organize the day around a maximum of three personal and/or professional
The Screaming Sellers
I love the videos of the guys (it's never women, only men) striding across a stage, shouting into a mike, telling people how to "sell." They always seem on the verge of a heart attack or some kind of spasm.
Simple Questions
Are you trying to help people or trying to make a sale? Are you offering value or just trying to make money? Those aren't hard questions, but they separate the successful from the unsuccessful, the excellent marketers from the "multi-level" marketers.
Anyone There?
The old excuse that you can't market because "no one is around at the holidays" doesn't hold much water when no one has been around since March! Procrastination is a fear, not a career.
These People Look Suspicious, They’re Up Early Trying to Buy Gifts
I understand the frenzy around "Black Friday" retail and online, and how it is so appalling to some people (usually those who don't have to engage in it). But to consider millions of people trying to buy things to give to
Testing, Testing—Is this Thing On?
I'm seeing astounding overreactions to virtual meetings and presentations. While I admire the entrepreneurs who produce lighting, sound, multiple screens, and a gamut of broadcasting aids, it does remind me of seeking perfection instead of simply success. I like seeing people
When I was a kid, and poor, my parents and I would each have half a grapefruit at breakfast at times. After eating the flesh, and scraping the sides, we'd squeeze the rind over a spoon to extract the remaining
The One Best Way
The quickest effective advice in the fastest manner. Not perfect advice no matter how long it takes.
Have you come up with new methods to meet prospects, sustain and expand work with your existing clients, deliver your services and advice? If not, then you don't really have the credentials to help anyone else.