Money Talks, But It Shouldn’t
The "not for nothing" department: What if the obscene amounts of money being spent seeking the Presidential nomination and the office were instead spent on inner city schools, or cancer research, or the homeless, or medical care for the indigent,
You Dropped Out? When Did You Drop In?
I find it rather droll when presidential candidates drop out of the race when I didn't even realize they were in the race! You need to make yourself heard, create a brand, establish your repute, in any profession. Do your ideal buyers
Where Should This Conversation Lead Us?
When you're running a race, you know where the finish line is. When you're playing a game, you know what the standard is for winning. When you're in a business conversation, you need to know what your goal is if you are
Here’s A Good Idea
Occasionally, someone will say (in writing, form a distance) rather snidely, "It's easy for you to advocate that practice because you have a strong brand. What about the rest of us? You can't relate to where we are!" (These are
The platypus is a rare animal, of course, an egg-laying mammal (monotreme). I've seen them in Australia, and they are fascinating, but really peculiar looking. "Platibook" is my name for much of Facebook, where people cite platitudes (definition: a remark or
Social Proof
"If you can do it, it ain't braggin'." —Legendary baseball pitcher and Hall of Fame member, Dizzy Dean (1910-1974)
Who’s on First?
Don't fall victim to office gossip and myths. No employee will ever tell you that the problem is her fault or the lack of communications is caused by his indifference. It's always someone else, often the boss. We're better off
Forget Mensa: The True Test
If you have a sophisticated "rolling code" garage door opener, and can successfully program a new car's automatic opener to it the first time while running up and down ladders and pressing 16 buttons, your IQ must be above 160.
There was the predicted two inches of snow in the Providence, RI area last night. The start, ending, and amount were precisely forecast by the 3,400 "meteorologists" employed by the media in these parts. (We should look at our state
If you stand-in the rain getting soaked for 30 minutes waiting for a taxi because a limo or an Über is more expensive, you're not exactly someone I'd want as my trusted advisor. The last thing any business person needs