Note to Candidates: Free Is Never Free (TINSTAAFL)
What the Democratic candidates are having trouble with is the "If
Almost anything taken to an extreme is bad. Barry Goldwater proclaimed something like "extremism in the defense of liberty is no sin," and proceeded to get trounced in the presidential election. It's one thing to influence, another to proselytize. Similarly, self-awareness
Out of the Herd
You will not stand out in a crowed by talking and acting like everyone else. Step outside and be different. Disruption is not something you should be prepared to face, it's something you should create.
Is Someone Following Me?
When you believe the people who don't agree with you are engaged in some kind of mass conspiracy, you're not mistaken. You're paranoid.
The buyer's office is not an arena. There are no gladiators, no lions. It's a chess match. Just try to think a few moves ahead.
You Can’t Have It Both Ways
I've found that those people who complain most loudly that they don't have enough support, need assertional resources, and are asked to do too much, are the same who are resistant to change when the support and resources are improved
Neither the Stage Nor the Book Equals Expertise
I've often pointed out that neither writing a book nor speaking on stage makes anyone an "expert." They're simply a writer or speaker. However, if they present challenging IP (intellectual property), innovative ideas, pragmatic techniques, and challenge your current thinking,
"Culture" is simply that set of beliefs that governs behavior. If you want to change the "culture" of a company (or school board or non-profit or athletic team) change the belief system. Are we here to make money no matter
Waiting for Perfection Is Life Waiting for Godot
You can sit back until things are perfect and then move forward, or you can move immediately and put up with the imperfections. I used to run the sprints in track. If you waited for the perfect start you might
The Clarity of the Dark
When you're being driven at 5 am through Manhattan you see the city in a different manner. The distractions disappear, the city can be seen more clearly, you can actually observe better than you can under the noon sun. The same