Censoring A Book Review
Elin Hilderbrand has a new book called Five Star Weekend. In my view, it's awful, not at all up to her earlier work, predictable, with paper-thin characters and a dumb plot. You may disagree with me, most people do according to the
The Danger of Pyramids
Ponzi Schemes, pyramid schemes, network marketing, multi-level marketing: The phrases keep changing to make the deal sound more respectable. But when you're simply selling memberships and products are ancillary, and when by the eighth round of new "agents" or "dealers"
Evolution or Not?
Apparently, long ago in Africa, rival tribes would line up their fiercest warriors on a hill, armed with spears and shields, and would shout insults at their enemies on the next hill, who would reciprocate. After a decent amount of
Who’s Ready to Take Over for Me?
Once upon a time, a baseball pitcher was expected to pitch the entire game unless the manager removed him because of a poor performance. In 1965, for example, Sandy Koufax's record was 28-8, with 27 complete games. He is, by
Here’s A Tip
Let's say your dinner bill is $142. The first two numbers are ten percent (14) and you double that for 20 percent (28) and you add that as your tip for a total of $170. I leave 20% as a
Beastly Business and the IQ in Rhode Island
The general consternation in Rhode Island (which is a State of Mind, not a State of the Union) over the past two days has been a pair of rare, black coyotes roaming around Warwick, the second largest city. People have
Why You Won’t Find Me on LinkedIn These Days
Linkedin arbitrarily informed me earlier this week that they weren't sure I'm really who I am (after many years of membership), and I had to provide proof. I send in my passport photo. They said they'd review it. Within five
Great Art As Porn: Was This Really An Episode of “The Simpsons”?
Parents complained at a school in Florida because their children were shown The David which, of course, has intact male genitalia. Michelangelo and the Italians (and most sane people in the world) consider this great art. But American are so
And Now the News
Overall, 2,500 newspapers in the United States — a quarter of them — have closed since 2005. (Wikipedia). Over 360 closed since just before the start of the pandemic, but that was also the pace prior to the pandemic. It's not ChatGPT
Pick Me! Pick Me!
What happens when award shows are finally solely attractive to the egos which have been nominated for the awards? Well, you lose tens of millions of viewers. Eventually, the self-absorption will cause an implosion that rips the fabric of space and