Why Did This Happen? Or: Who Did This?
When I see something amiss at a client, I don't look for blame, I look for cause. Finding a "scapegoat" merely makes people think the issue is resolved, but in actuality, the problem remains. Cause, not blame. Such a simple concept,
Whom Are We Concerned About?
Most airports are made for planes, not customers. Most ordering sites are made for the company, not the consumer. Most instruction books are written for the technical people preparing them, not the end user. Most politicians are eager to gain office and power,
Establish a minimum and maximum objective for your meetings—I call it "min/max." What's the minimum achievement you would consider successful, and what's the maximum? In a meeting with a buyer, the minimum might be to agree to a more in-depth
You Can’t Improve Unless You Know How To
When I complain about service, I level the playing field by also making sure I compliment good service when I encounter it. I also have the belief that management wants to improve the operation and that they need to hear
DASM: It IS Your Fault, Not Covid, Not the Weather, Not Resignations
I've never been a big Elon Musk fan. Let me make that clear. However, I've also been writing about what I call The Great Excuses: Supply chain shortages, The Great Resignation, and Covid "shut downs." I call them "excuses" because some
I Don’t Create the Air Mail Rates!
We have to charge actual US air mail shipping rates when people from other countries order books. Those rates can be $35-$50. We notify people in advance, and about half decline, and I recommend them to Amazon where possible. It's interesting
Yes, I Do Windows….
Scope Creep occurs when a client asks you to do things that weren't included in your proposal or agreement. A lot of you are afraid not to comply, because you see yourselves as subordinate to the buyer. I'd ask the buyer,
The 40 Myth
No, it's not about turning 40. (We "hit" 50 but "turn" 40 for some reason.) This is about the ridiculous belief that people won't be as productive remotely as they are in the office. NO ONE in my entire career has
May I Ask You A Question?
How many of these sentences are you comfortable uttering and consistently saying to prospective buyers? • I can help you with this. • I'd like to provide you with a proposal outlining how we would work together. • Let me tell you how
If We’re So Busy, Why Aren’t We Profitable?
Within organizations and with entrepreneurs, I find a huge disproportion, in that 90% of the attention is often focused on the bottom 10% of the business. You're much better off simply eliminating that 10%. Customers aren't "pets," and certain functions