Where Did You Hear That?
If you read something in the public domain, e.g., a newspaper or magazine, hard copy or electronic, you may use the facts therein. For example, you may use an article on Airbus's retiring its huge A380 to make a point
One Step At A Time
Focus your buyer. If there is "overwhelm" or chaos, or simply too many priorities, just suggest: "Here's what I think we should do first. Then we'll see about the rest."
Total Days to Cash (TDTC) is the amount of time that elapses between your being paid and the signed proposal or agreement. If it's "net, 30 days," your TDTC is 30. But if the client takes an additional 30, then
Value Is Not Diminished by Distance
I spoke on (my) Saturday morning via Zoom for the virtual meeting of the Professional Speakers Association of South Africa. They are a wonderful group of people and were a great audience. My session was exactly on time and I
Archimedes and Sales
We hear a lot today about "scalability." I prefer the word "leveraging." I believe you achieve the former thought the latter. For example, there are three monetary components potentially present in any "sale": The immediate assignment or project. Expansion business during
Join me for a free livestream event on Emergence, Sept. 29 at 11 Eastern US time: https://livestream.com/accounts/21314230/events/9293626 It will be recorded so you can watch it at your convenience. I'll be talking about what to expect in the months ahead, how
The future of selling is all about evangelism. Are your customers and clients "marketing" for you by word-of-mouth and unsolicited referrals? If not—if you don't have a steady stream of inquiries from people who have been told about you by
Weaponizing Volatility
People who have communities, formal or informal, have been far more successful during the pandemic restrictions. By "successful" I don't mean sustaining themselves, or minimizing losses, I mean growing their businesses. When you have people who routinely depend upon you and your
While it's important to bring injustice and everyone's accountability to eliminate it to public attention, I think you would agree that key is to do something about it and not merely acknowledge it. We need basic changes in the way we
Business Thermometer
I'm coaching people at the moment in 16 countries and all across the US and Canada. Here is my anecdotal finding at this point: 40%: Doing quite well, either at the same high business level as pre-pandemic or at a higher