Why Airplanes Aren’t Made for People and Other Unspoken Truths
I’m sitting in the front of an Airbus A340, and I’m wondering why what I’ve been through is so strange. The plane carries 240 people, but we all go through the same bottleneck, one by one (baaah, baaah, baaah) to
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• Watching multi-millionaire football owners negotiate with multi-millionaire football players at the cost of canceling the 2011 season prompts me to hope that they all lose. • There were 10 million people stranded in Tokyo recently who couldn’t get home. We
But Wait, There’s More!
There is a trend of incredible temerity and lack of ethics gripping seemingly desperate speakers and consultants. They want their moment in the sun, their Warholian 15 minutes, no matter what. Talent doesn’t matter, value isn’t a consideration. It’s a
Odds and Ends
• I had written about University of Florida students laughing inappropriately during Grapes of Wrath (they thought the grandmother’s death in the back of the truck especially hilarious) since they’ve never read or been taught Steinbeck, and are too lazy
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking…
• Why does the ice cream store give me a dog sundae with ice cream in a cup and a dog biscuit on top, and also a spoon? • Why do stores and banks keep telling me that the most annoying
The Prophet
I noted in both video and textual work I've done recently that chargers for electronic equipment should be as available as electric outlets in hotels, airports, etc. Today's Times reports that iPads and charging stations for personal electronics are available,
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
• Why do politicians focus on attacking each other instead of generating ideas? Probably because they have no new ideas, but just want to serve in office for the power or ego, and find it as mindless to attack an
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking: • The Lord of the Dance-type performances show impressive skills, but once you’ve seen it, you’ve seen it, and you’ve seen it after about 20 minutes. • Terrorists will never defeat America, but Jersey
In Case You Were Wondering What I Was Thinking
IN CASE YOU WERE WONDERING WHAT I WAS THINKING…. • Why is it that people leaving a theater stop at the bottom of the stairs or in the doorways to chat? Are they practicing being corks? • Why do people change the