Put the Phone Down and Listen to Me
"Multi-tasking" is kind of ludicrous for people. It usually means that we do several things poorly at once, rather than one thing superbly well. It's a quantitative not a qualitative endeavor. Focus on what's important and in front of you. If
Please Learn This. Thank You.
Alleluia! Someone wrote me this morning to tell me he lost something I'd sent him and would I please resend it and he apologized. About 98% of the time the communication is more like: "You never sent the instructions and I've checked
I’ve Succeeded A Great Deal on My First Attempt
Some woman on Linkedin, a lawyer of course, posted that the first time you try anything it will be awful, so get it over with. That's so cynical and crass I scarcely know where to begin with it. I'd certainly
Management Communications
What would you most complain to the boss about today to improve your life and job? Well, you are the boss, so take care of the employee and fix what's wrong.
Jack Welch, Steve Jobs, Ulysses Grant, Meryl Streep, Picasso, Willie Mays, Frank Sinatra, Steven Sondheim, Oprah Winfrey, John Adams: If we think about our candidates for mastery in any number of diverse fields, they all share one thing in common: They
Sand Box Learning
My first grade teacher taught me that I can't just demand to have my way, I had to compromise with others. I soon had that beaten into me, and learned the arts of compromise and influence by the third grade. It
The Phone Went Dead, Call the Cops
I once had a coaching client who took every bump and jostle in life as a personal insult. He took offense at a client of his who was chewing on ice from his drink, and told him it was irritating.
A Post on Posts
Someone was reviewing my textual, audio, video, and electronic output. He was astonished. "You post on your blog every day," he asked, incredulous. "Yeah," I confirmed, "and I have two blogs, a public one and a private one for my community members." He was
Uh, oh…
Business is usually in a huge reactive mode, which is why there is so little innovation in most places. For example, how many major businesses do you suspect right now are doing a hasty forensic audit of their top executives'
My wife is gambling in the casino, sitting near a man and making casual conversation. He asks about the New England Patriots and Tom Brady, whom my wife loathes. "Well," says the guy, "they did name an airport after him." "What? Where?"