If We Do That, Then What Happens?
The problem with political initiatives and platforms is that they don't include "if
Who the Hell Are You Calling An INTJ?
I'm weary of reading ignorant posts on Facebook which begin with: Trump supporters are
When It Rains on the Meteorologist Who Predicted Sunshine
If politicians, sports analysts, financial experts, and similar people were evaluated regularly, as employees everywhere are, in terms of performance expectations and projections agains actual results and accuracy, we'd start to see what turnover really looks like. One year a
I'm a writer, and I have trouble finding words for my sadness. We also have to realize that, daily, people are dying from suicides, overdoses, addictions, drunk driving and reckless driving, mental problems, poverty, and negligence. Our political representatives and candidates should
Debate Depression
Televised debates depress me. I don't see statesmen and women (either party). I see people who desperately (and often unbelievably) want to be president. Their willingness to say almost anything to gain votes—pandering—is frightening. Most political promises wind up on
Does This Add Up?
I've been using mechanical and then digital calculators for half a century, but I still remember the multiplication tables and can add, subtract, and divide "in my head." I've been using keyboards on first typewriters and then computers for the
Melting Pot or Salad Bowl?
I've received an email from a very nice woman at a local theater inviting me to an event. Her sig file indicated that her preferred pronouns are "she, her, hers." When I questioned this, she told me that everyone in
Betsy Ross Is Not the Issue
I understand the right to protest and the power of protest. It's a vital aspect of free speech. What I don't understand is ignorance. Betsy Ross was a Quaker, and Quakers were strong abolitionists who actively helped fleeing slaves. The fact that
Trigger Alert: There Is No Profanity In This Article
Vulgarity has achieved a cult status. There's now yet another book on the best seller lists with an F-bomb in the title. And an expletive I rarely recall ever seeing in print was used by one Canadian female politician/media personality
Is the Question Too Difficult?
I'm an independent voter, and my comment applies to anyone running for office: When you're asked a "yes or no" question, such as "Would you support a 70% marginal tax rate?" and you give a little speech about your philosophy