Let's take a moment to understand the horror of Ukraine and its people in the face of Russian invasion and thuggery. We need to understand the terror of the tyranny in China, Russia, North Korea, Iran, and other places to
Episode 228 – Open Mike
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 228: Open Mike. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® · Episode 228 - Open Mike
Quantity Isn’t Qualiity
Quantity often has little to do with quality. Have you noticed that some books have five pages of endorsements inside the front cover? Does that really improve the chances of it being sold? Don't three powerful endorsements do that? Do you
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 02/23/2022
Scintillate: Emit flashes of light; sparkle. "The deep water fishes would scintillate to attract prey."
You’re Late, You’re Late, for A Very Important Date….
Here's what's going on with a great many merchants, including the largest: They are reducing the amount of time between their billing statement and payment date. Given the poor service of the post office these days, and if you're on
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/21/2022
Many years ago I perpetuated a myth. I thought at the time it was ridiculous and funny but, as often happens, I was proved wrong. I told people that I was an introvert. I pointed out that I’d rather be home
There’s Always A Way
The important thing in times of adversity is to take action, grasp some control. You can schedule a backup flight, call a doctor for a second opinion, rent a car, ask a colleague for help who's had a similar experience. By merely
Business (Not) As Usual
There is nothing as strong in obtaining business as your willingness to walk away from it. When you act as if you must have the business, as if your survival depends on it, you are obsequious and fawning. When you're
If Customers Just Weren’t in the Way
The difference between front-line operations and backroom operations in many companies is that the former interact with customers all day and understand the impact of the products and services, while the latter interact with themselves all day and focus on
Are You Cheating Yet Again?
Say what you will about capitalism, it's based on the ethical premise that I will provide you with agreed upon goods and services at a certain time with a guaranteed quality, and you will pay me a certain amount in