Try Blowing the Whistle
As I read about charges of anti-Semitism, racism, and homophobia within athletic departments of schools in Massachusetts (and elsewhere) I find myself asking, "How was this kept so secret? If it's been going on for years, why didn't we know
Watch Your Words
I was running a board meeting and asked how our "outreach committee" was doing. We provide free education, training, performances, and so forth to inner city schools and adults. It's very popular and we're trying to expand. We earn grants
Episode 213 – Intuition
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth® - Episode 213 - Intuition. Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform: Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth™ · Episode 214 - Intuition
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ — 11/10/2021
Word of the week™: Ludic
The Fork of Progress
We all come to forks in the road (which Yogi Berra simply advised to "take," which is impossible). One such fork has a side with, "Why this idea won't work." The other side is, "What we can do to make
Just-in-Time No Sale
I think that "supply chain" has become a cliché to cover lousy management and poor planning. (As has the "great resignation.") Here's the battery display at CVS, basically bare, because they don't like the costs of carrying inventory. Yet a
Merry Gifting Season
The Times this morning actually referred to the coming "gifting season" in an article about how to buy presents for others. That makes sense, right, because there's nothing religious associated with Christmas, is there? It's just a spontaneous gifting time, like
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/08/2021
I once had a guy who worked for me at a consulting firm who demanded he be paid incentives for the number of prospect visits he made. He earned a salary and commission on sales, but he felt he should
Just One More Thing
Before you walk away from the buyer to write your proposal, ask this: "Is there anything at all we haven't discussed—other than fees which will be in the proposal—that would stop you from accepting one of the options I'll provide
MacBook Pro Appeal
One of my tenets pre-pandemic that has strengthened over the past two years is that the entire buying dynamic is changing and has to change. I believe "allowing the buyer to buy," peer-level referral, and evangelism (bringing buyers and prospects