I think what people seek more than anything else is control. They're most secure, even "happy" when they feel they have influence over their lives. We've come to call this "agency" today, meaning latitude of action. The media drown us in
The Real “Best Practices”
"Best practices" are going to be more focused on industries, professions, and markets than ever before. In any case, the most effective "best practices" are usually internal, not external. Organizations look to others without bothering to examine whether they've disseminated
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 07/19/2021
I'm writing this from Asbury Park, NJ, on the Jersey Shore (other coasts have beaches, but Jersey has "the shore" as Billy Joel sings in "Allentown"). When I was younger, I came here infrequently because we couldn't afford anything more
Don’t Forget Where You Came From
"It's a nice place to have been from," I often hear people say, denigrating their roots, their origins, because they've "made it." I guess I've "made it" by most standards, but I never forget my roots (in fact, there's a
On Becoming A Vegetable
I find people who know nothing giving advice to others who, impossibly, seem to know even less. If you have no innate curiosity to learn what might be out there, to read the thinking of people with whom you disagree,
Episode 196 – Which Is It?
Tune in to the latest episode of Alan Weiss's The Uncomfortable Truth™ - Episode 196 - Which Is It? Listen to this episode on your favorite podcast platform:
The Shore
We head for the Jersey Shore today, our annual July vacation which we missed last year for the first time in decades. We're hoping the weekday will minimize traffic in what should be about a four-hour drive. I'm also prepared
Alan Weiss’s Word of the Week™ – 07/14/21
Word of the week: Truckling
Meet Me in Atlanta
Join me in Atlanta for a full day devoted to Re-energizing your consulting practice, or launching a new one. We had 200 people in Boston, 150 in LA, pre-pandemic. So I'm starting up again. Highly interactive. You can see past