Happy Mother’s Day
To all of you, a profound day of love, happiness, and family.
Dead Reckoning
What if you stopped consulting? Or stopped coaching? Or training? What if you simply expressed your expertise? I believe that writing, speaking, facilitating, training, consulting, coaching, ad nauseam, are merely transportation devices for our expertise. Some are "locals" and make a lot
Workshop Reminder: Sealing the Deal – June 11th, Mountain View, CA
Workshop Reminder: Sealing the Deal - June 11th, Mountain View, CA Are you closing all the business you should? On June 11th, marketing expert Linda Popky will be offering a one-day in-depth workshop in the San Francisco Bay area, based on
The Right Angle
We Get Letters….
Dear Alan, I purchased all your books. I can produce receipts if required!!!! I didn’t skim them. I ate them. If you were English you would be a Yorkshire man – straight talking – no nonsense. I practiced saying my higher fees –
Stocking the Pond
We apply for a state permit to stock our pond about every two years. The nearest approved hatchery is in Connecticut. This year we picked up 600, divided among bass, catfish, and sunnies. Added to the existing supply, there should
Three Dimensional Marketing
Think of one, two, and three dimensional contact. Email is one-dimensional, the phone two, and in person is three. Here are three-dimensional options for marketing in order of quality of lead and probability of a meeting and business: 1. Referral business 2. Commercially
Great Minds
Here's an excerpt and source from Seth Godin this morning, courtesy of Jon Haugen. Seth and I don't count typos, and don't much care for people who do. And those people don't have blogs like Seth and I do: "We loudly