Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/28/13
January 23, 2013—Issue #175 This week's focus point: What nonsense about lip-syncing. The recorded, reverential Gregorian Chant played before some Masses in church is far superior to the off-key live solos which the music director insists upon. You
I cannot begin to understand the frenzy over Beyoncé lip syncing at the inauguration. She is a talented performer who chose to do what cellist Yo Yo Ma did four years ago, and what Whitney Houston did at the Super
The Dog Star: Learning to Learn
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition) I'm watching Bentley, now four months old, learning to be a
Radio Waves
What you see below is an Emerson 8-transistor radio from about 1965. We unearthed it as we sorted through a mountain of stuff that had to be moved as our master bedroom and bath are being completely rebuilt. I bought
Koufax Continues As An Icon
This is a huge blowup of a photo that hung in the Rhode Island School of Design, during an exhibition called "Going To The Dogs." The photographer who took it has it on the wall of her business to demonstrate
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/21/13
January 21, 2013—Issue #174 This week's focus point: I'm playing fetch with Bentley, our white German Shepherd puppy (who has gained 13 pounds in one month). He chases a lacrosse ball at top speed and slows down only
Consulting Buyer Survey Highlights Peer Referrals As Key
Here's a study done by Hinge and provided to me by Peter McLean which, among other things, shows that 91% of buyers of consulting services do so by asking a friend or colleague for a recommendation. It also points out